Uncovering & Using Your Personal Superpowers

A Webinar with


In a galaxy far, far away…

There lived a woman who used her superpowers every day!
Her workdays were fulfilling. Her days were spent with happiness and ease. She didn’t run herself to the ground trying to do the grind.

Superpowers? That’s ONLY for a fantasy!

Or ARE they?


Cathleen is a coach extraordinaire, with clients like:

Discovery Inc. |  Swagelok | Accenture | ING

Her Superpowers

Calmness paired with Enthusiasm | Directness | Patience | Relationship Building with Empathy | Mentoring

When you understand your Superpowers:


✔️ Enjoy what you do every single day!

✔️ Find your work fulfilling and fun!

✔️ Create workdays that suit YOU and the people that are important to you!


✔️ Feel tired, trained, and unhappy at work!

✔️ Dedicate your life to the grind!

✔️ Work 12-16 hour days with NO life-balance at all!

Uncover and Use YOUR Superpowers with this INCREDIBLE Webinar hosted by Cathleen Merkel


August 19th and September 2nd at 7 PM BST